Secret Network was the first blockchain in the Cosmos ecosystem as well as one of the overall industry leaders in privacy-first smart contracts. This by default gives full privacy on everything from apps, swapping, NFTs, and more and then allows for individuals to choose how much they want to share. Even simple examples are someone being able to hold an NFT without everyone being able to copy it, see your wallet, and potentially use social engineering to go after your wallet. Tools like the Secret Bridge allow people to enter and exit the Cosmos ecosystem without others tracking down where their assets came from and their potential identity. Even functions like selling NFTs to sAssets allow for people to sell their NFTs without exposing their identity or wallet. The Secret Network garnished a lot of attention when film director Quentin Tarantino decided to use their platform to sell NFTs of his Pulp Fiction collection despite Miramax Studios trying to sue him. The CEO and co-founder of Secret Labs responded saying their attempts to intimidate them into not allowing this mint to happen would not work. Privacy first contracts may get a lot more attention over the next 1-10 years with hacks and privacy concerns.
SCRT Stakers March 2021